Exhibitor Terms and Conditions

The 2020 Graphics of the Americas Expo & Conference(herein called the “Event”) is to be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center, halls A & B (herein called the “Venue”) on February 27 – 29, 2020. The Show is managed and operated by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA). (herein called the “Show Management”). “Exhibitor” means, collectively, the entity that is applying to exhibit at the Event, the authorized representative (“Representative”) of that entity who is executing the exhibit contract on its behalf and, where applicable, that entity’s officers, employees, contractors and agents.


1.     GDPR—By contracting to exhibit at Graphics of the Americas, you have opted in to receive emails from SGIA (and our official vendors) about our events, products, services and GOA related logistics. We do not share, sell, or rent email addresses. Each communication from SGIA/ GOA will come with a link to unsubscribe or modify your preferences. The new European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, effective May 25, 2018. GDPR sets new standards and compliance requirements for every company that holds or processes personal data. SGIA is committed to high standards of information security, data privacy, and transparency, and to managing data in accordance with legislation and regulation, including but not limited to GDPR. SGIA attests that it will comply with applicable GDPR regulations, and we encourage our exhibitors to become familiar with GDPR and to adapt their business processes, data management practices, and integrations to meet their GDPR obligations. Questions can be directed to privacydata@sgia.org.


2.     EFFECTIVENESS — This contract becomes binding once the Exhibitor’s application has been accepted by Show Management. Show Management reserves the right to reject applications with or without cause if in the best interests of the Event.


3.     CONTRACT FOR EXHIBIT SPACE — This Contract for Exhibit Space will be effective only upon its acceptance by Show Management and after it has been signed by the exhibitor and returned to Show Management.Where a Force Majeure event gives rise to a failure, cancelation or delay of the Event, Show Management shall have no liability to exhibitor or obligation to refund any portion of exhibitor’s payment.


4.     SPACE ASSIGNMENT — Exhibitors, once qualified will be booked on a first come, first contracted basis. Show Management reserves the right to assign alternate exhibit space as it deems appropriate. Show Management reserves the right to bar the use of exhibits that interfere with other exhibitors, interfere with attendees or others, or create any hazards. Exhibitors shall not assign, share or sublet their assigned space. Co-exhibitors are not permitted. Show Management shall assign to the Exhibitor for the period of the Event the exhibit space contracted for herein or such other exhibit space that Show Management in its discretion deems comparable. Such assignment is made for the period of this Event only and does not imply that same or similar space will be held or offered for future shows.


RATES — 100 – 199 sq. ft. = $24.00/SF|200 – 399 sq. ft. = $22.00/SF|Over 400 sq. ft.= $20.00/SF


5.    PAYMENT SCHEDULE —Payment of 25% of this exhibit fee is required upon exhibitor’s return of this contract to Show Management.The 25% deposit is non-refundable. Final 75% payment is due on or before Jan. 15, 2020. Exhibit space contracted after Jan. 15, 2020 must include total exhibit space rental fee. Unless the scheduled deposits and/or payments arereceived by the dates referenced above, the exhibitor’s space may be cancelled, and any deposits will not be refunded. Payment must be in U.S. funds. Bank transfer charges are the responsibility ofthe exhibitor.


6.    SPACE RENTAL — All exhibit spaces are configured in 100 sq. ft. increments unless otherwise indicated on the Show floor plan. All inline exhibit spaces are constructed with an 8-foot-high back drape and 3-foot-high side rails. Each inline space includes a standard sign, 7” x 44”, with name of the exhibitor and space number; standard carpeting, a standard color will be pre-selected by Show Management. Exhibitors booking inline exhibit spaces will not be able to choose their carpet color. Padding is an additional fee; and Exhibitor will receive an allotment of (5) complimentary registrations per every 100 sq. ft. as specified by Show Management, up to a maximum of 150 and an online directory listing; and Expo Guide directory listing. All expenses, including, without limitation, electrical and telephone and internet requirements, exhibit installation and dismantling costs, material handling/drayage, will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. All exhibits must have floor covering. Island, Peninsula, and Split Island exhibit spaces are responsible for either renting or bringing their own flooring solution. 


7.    INSTALLATION AND DISMANTLING OF EXHIBITS— Installation will begin as scheduled in the Exhibitor Service Kit per your applicable targeted move-in time. All material must be removed according to the schedule outlined in the Exhibitor Service Kit. With respect for your fellow exhibitors, please do not begin tear down of your exhibit prior to 4:01 PM on the last day. In the event the exhibit space is not paid for in for in full, set up the exhibit will not be permitted. 


8.    SHARING; ASSIGNMENT — Exhibitor shall not assign, share or sublet its assigned space. Co-exhibiting is not permitted.


9.    EXHIBIT SPACE OPERATION — Exhibitor shall install and occupy its space in accordance with the rules and timeline specified in the Exhibitor Service Kit. Exhibits must be designed and operated in a professional manner that respects the rights of other exhibitors and attendees, complies with the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and similar regulations and does not conflict with reasonable standards of decorum. All booths display materials and demonstrations must be confined within Exhibitor’s space and must not interfere with aisle traffic at any time. Direct selling at the Facility is strictly prohibited. Exhibitor shall obtain the written permission of Show Management and Facility before performing any activity that may conflict with Facility’s insurance policy. Exhibitor shall not distribute any advertising or promotional materials at the Event, except from Exhibitor’s space or with the written consent of Show Management or paid sponsorship. Exhibitor shall obtain any necessary rights prior to playing, performing or displaying any work protected by copyright.


10.  DIRECTORY; PUBLICITY — Show Management may list Exhibitor’s name, trade names, product names and Representative’s name and contact details in any directory or other promotional materials. Show Management shall not be liable for any errors in any listing or materials or for omitting Exhibitor from the directory or other materials. Show Management may photograph or otherwise record Exhibitor’s space, booth and personnel and use such photographs or recordings for any purpose. Exhibitor acknowledges that Show Management and its partners may photograph or otherwise record any person who attends the Event and, without any further notification, may use such photographs or recordings for any purpose. Exhibitor badges show directory listings, exposition advertising, listings in the new SGIA Buyers Guide, etc., must carry only the name of the exhibiting company as shown on the contract. 


11.  INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS — All exhibits must be ready for inspection by Show Management and or its’ agents on Thursday, February 27, 2020, at 9:00 AM. No exhibitor will be allowed to enter or set up theirdisplay after 9:00 AM.


12.  FAILURE TO OCCUPY SPACE — Any space not occupied by Thursday, February 27, 2020, at 9:00 AM shall l be deemed forfeited by exhibitor and pursuant to the cancellation policy above, no refundshall be paid. Show Management may reassign such space, at its discretion, without any obligation to exhibitor. 


13.  EXCLUSIVE SERVICES, OFFICIAL GENERAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR, SHIPPING AND STORAGE — Show Management and the Venue have designated official contractors to perform certain services for Exhibitor (those services, as listed in the Exhibitor Service Kit, “Exclusive Services”). Exhibitor shall not use any other contractors to perform Exclusive Services. Show Management will not be held responsible for any financial losses incurred by exhibitors in the event they hired contractors to perform exclusive services.


14.  EXHIBITOR APPOINTED CONTRACTORS— Exhibitor may use a contractor not listed in the Exhibitor Service Kit (an “EAC”) if: (1) the service to be performed by the EAC is not an Exclusive Service; (2) Exhibitor submits to Show Management a completed Intent to Use Exhibitor Appointed Contractor form naming the EAC; (3) the EAC submits to Show Management a completed Exhibitor Appointed Contractor application, agreeing to all the terms thereof, including insurance and indemnification requirements; and (4) the EAC has been approved by the Facility, where applicable. Exhibitor is responsible for ensuring these requirements have been met. Show Management may deny an EAC access to the Event when these requirements have not been met or when in the best interests of the Event. Show Management will not be responsible for any lost profits or any damages of Exhibitor that result. Each EAC may be required to provide evidence of compliance with insurance requirements prior to move-in.


15.  LIABILITY — Exhibitor shall indemnify Show Management and each Venue, and their parent and subsidiary companies, shareholders, officers, employees, agents and contractors, against all losses, damages, claims, demands, actions, penalties, judgments and liabilities (including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) that arise from any acts or omissions of Exhibitor or any of Exhibitor’s EACs related to the Event, including, without limitation, any activities they may be conducting at the Event, or from any breach by Exhibitor of any term of this contract. Exhibitor assumes full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, death or property damage or loss arising out of or related to Exhibitor’s participation at the Event, whether caused by negligence, intentional act or otherwise. The parties intend that this indemnification and assumption of risk be construed as broadly as permitted by law. The Exhibitor Service Kit may contain additional insurance requirements. Evidence of insurance meeting the requirements of this section must be furnished to Show Management upon request and must be available at the Venue during the Event. Exhibitor acknowledges that the requirements of this section in no way limit the liability of Exhibitor.


16.  WAIVER OF LIABILITY— Under no circumstances will Show Management be liable for any lost profits or any incidental, special, indirect, punitive or consequential damages of Exhibitor, regardless of whether such losses or damages were foreseeable, or Show Management was informed of the possibility of such losses or damages. The maximum liability of Show Management under any circumstances will not exceed the exhibit fee actually paid by Exhibitor to Show Management. 


17.  SOLICITORS — Exhibits in any location other than prescribed areas on the floor plan, such as hotel room exhibits, etc. are not permitted. Soliciting of business will be permitted by exhibitors only. Distribution of advertising matter, soliciting of orders or any conference in the interest of business by representatives of firms not a part of the Convention is strictly forbidden. Advertising and sales promotion materials may be distributed only from your booth at the Convention Center. No material may be placed on session seats, attached to walls, ceilings, woodwork, etc. of the convention facility, or left at the convention registration desk or in public places within the convention facility or on Convention Center property. Advertising materials, banners, blimps, hot-air balloons, vehicles carrying corporate identity or convention-related messages, etc. will not be permitted on or near the exterior of the convention facility. Robots, clowns, and similar are permitted but their use is confined to the exhibitor’s leased space. 


18.  SUITCASING POLICY — What is SuitcasingSuitcasing is a parasitic business practice in which unethical companies will gain access to an event by obtaining some type of event credential (attendee badge, expo-only badge, etc.) and then solicit business in the aisles or other public spaces used for the conference.


Show Management’s objective is to do everything legally possible to protect exhibitors from suitcasing. This suitcasing policy must be observed at all times. Violation may result in any or all of the following actions at the discretion of Show Management: Closure of your booth, Loss of participation in the priority booth selection event, and/or Exclusion from future shows. 


Specific rules that apply:


Do not enter or loiter around the booth of the other party


Do not harass or antagonize the other party. 


Do not remove anything from any exhibitor’s booth


Do not register or give a badge to anyone not qualified to be in the Event. 


Do not take pictures or hire outside photographers. 


Due to intellectual property laws, photography of any kind is strictly forbidden on the show floor. 


SGIA has created a Suitcasing Prevention policy team that will be available from the start of the Event to the conclusion of the Event and respond to all complaints regarding suitcasing. The team will be trained on what to look for and the appropriate factors to determine if there is an issue. Review complaints regarding showcasing 


Review each complaint off the show floor and take appropriate action, including removal from the show floor. 


Levy penalties for violations, up to and including suspension from participation in future shows. If you have a pending dispute regarding suitcasing at the Expo, then you should consider the following:


Prior to the Event: If you feel there is a reasonable risk of a problem involving suitcasing, notify Gabe Hernandez or Rachel Thomas prior to arrival (goa@sgia.org or 1-800-331-0461). Onsite: If you suspect another company of suitcasing, report it to Rachel Thomas by text message (724.866.9990) or email (goa@sgia.org). Alternatively, you may report it to the Show Management Office. Someone from Show Management will come to your booth immediately. 


Show Management will take one of the following actions: 


Upon receipt of a complaint from an exhibitor, Show Management will review the complaint with the exhibitor. Show Management will confer with other members of the Suitcasing Prevention policy team to investigate the complaint and determine what action may be taken, including meeting with the company that is accused of suitcasing. Actions will include: 


Remove anyone found violating the suitcasing policy; or if deemed advisable, Show Management will attempt to bring the accuser and alleged violating party together in a meeting in the Show Management Office in an attempt to resolve the matter; or Issue a warning if appropriate; or Take no action if it is determined there is no action necessary.


If the Suitcasing Prevention policy team determines that a complaint is valid, but the violator refuses to attend such a meeting or leave the show floor, then that party/company will be prohibited from exhibiting in or attending the next two shows. 


19.  COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS; FACILITY REGULATIONS — Exhibitor shall comply with all national, state and local laws and all rules and regulations of each Facility, including any union labor work rules and fire and safety regulations. Exhibitor shall obtain all permits and approvals required to exhibit at the Event and is responsible for all taxes related to its activities at the Event. 


20.  VIOLATIONS— Upon the violation by Exhibitor of any of the terms of this contract, Show Management may take one or more of the following actions: (1) require modifications to Exhibitor’s booth or space at Exhibitor’s expense; (2) cancel Exhibitor’s exhibit space assignment; (3) declare Exhibitor ineligible for priority lotteries at future events produced by Show Management; or (4) disqualify Exhibitor from exhibiting at future events produced by Show Management. These remedies are illustrative only and do not limit any remedies described elsewhere in this contract or otherwise available by law.


21.  ADMISSION — Show Management shall have the sole direction over all admission policies at all times. Non-exhibiting suppliers or vendors of goods and services are welcome to walk the show floor with proper badges during event hours. Please note: the rules regarding children in the paragraph below. Any child over 14 must register for the event.


22.  Children. The Association further reserves the right toprohibit any arrangement of the exhibit that in its opinion may in any way cause danger to persons attendingthe exposition or any risk of injury to them. Show Management recommends children not attend the Expo. Minors under 14 may attend the Event (1) only during Official Hours and (2) only if they (i) register and pay appropriate fees and (ii) are accompanied by an adult at all times.




23.  INDEMNIFICATION; ASSUMPTION OF RISK — Exhibitor shall indemnify Show Management and each Facility, and their parent and subsidiary companies, shareholders, officers, employees, agents and contractors, against all losses, damages, claims, demands, actions, penalties, judgments and liabilities (including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees) that arise from any acts or omissions of Exhibitor or any of Exhibitor’s EACs related to the Event, including, without limitation, any activities they may be conducting at the Event, or from any breach by Exhibitor of any term of this contract. Exhibitor assumes full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, death or property damage or loss arising out of or related to Exhibitor’s participation at the Event, whether caused by negligence, intentional act or otherwise. The parties intend that this indemnification and assumption of risk be construed as broadly as permitted by law. The Exhibitor Service Kit may contain additional insurance requirements. Evidence of insurance meeting the requirements of this section must be furnished to Show Management upon request and must be available at the Facility during the Event. Exhibitor acknowledges that the requirements of this section in no way limit the liability of Exhibitor.

24.  CANCELLATION OF EVENT — If Show Management cancels the Event due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, then it shall refund to Exhibitor the amounts paid under this contract, minus a share of the costs incurred by Show Management, in full satisfaction of liabilities to Exhibitor. If Show Management cancels the Event for any other reason, then Show Management shall refund to Exhibitor the amounts paid under this contract, in full satisfaction of liabilities to Exhibitor. No cancellation will be deemed to have occurred, and no refund will be due to Exhibitor, if Show Management reschedules the Event for dates within one week of the originally scheduled dates or selects a different exhibit facility within the same metropolitan area.


25.  BADGE REGISTRATION — Show Management will define the “Official Hours,” during which all individuals attending the Event must be registered and in possession of a valid Event badge. Upon full payment of all fees due under this contract, Exhibitor will receive an allotment of complimentary registrations as specified by Show Management. Complimentary registrations may be used to register Exhibitor’s officers, employees, contractors, agents or guests. Additional registrations may be purchased at a fee determined by Show Management. 


26.  SOUND — Public address systems, sound producing or amplifying devices that project sound beyond the exhibitor’s space, or excessive operating noise that distracts attendees and or neighboringexhibits are expressly prohibited. Show Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits that, because of noise or any other reason, may detract from the general business conduct of the Event.


27.  POSITIONING OF EQUIPMENT WITH RELATIONS TO AISLES — Exhibitor must display its exhibits so as not to obstruct the general view or to hide view of other exhibitors. Detailed booth display rules and regulations will be available in the Exhibitor Service Kit. 


28.  SEVERABILITY— The parties intend that, if any provision of this contract is held to be unenforceable, then that provision will be modified to the minimum necessary to make it enforceable and the rest of the contract will remain in effect as written. 


29.  REPRESENTATIVE; COMMUNICATIONS — Show Management shall direct communications related to the Event, including notices under this contract and additional rules and regulations, to the Representative by email and phone calls. Notices from Exhibitor to Show Management, including the designation of a new individual as Representative, must be sent by email to goa@sgia.org, by mail or overnight carrier to SGIA, Attn. Exhibit Services GOA, 10015 Main Street, Fairfax VA 22031, USA or by hand delivery.


30.  WAIVER; ENTIRE AGREEMENT — No waiver of satisfaction of a condition or failure to comply with an obligation under this agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party granting the waiver, and no such waiver will constitute a waiver of satisfaction of any other condition or failure to comply with any other obligation. This contract, including any additional rules or regulations adopted by Show Management constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this contract and supersedes all other agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties. 


31.  GOVERNING LAW — The laws of the state of Virginia, without giving effect to its principles of conflicts of law, govern all matters arising out of this agreement or Exhibitor’s participation at the Event. 


32.  STATUTORY LIMITATIONS RELATING TO CLAIMS GENERALLY — All claims regarding an alleged liability must be reported to SGIA for consideration and review and are subject to a 60-day statute of limitations. To satisfy the statutory limitations, a claim must be received by SGIA, by email to goa@sgia.org or by certified letter delivered to SGIA at 10015 Main St., Fairfax VA 22031 within 60 days from the date the claim accrued, which is the day on which the event that caused the alleged liability is deemed to have occurred. The claimant is responsible for proving that the claim was filed within the applicable statute of limitations and must provide supporting documents, photographs, witness statements and any other pertinent information with the detailed claim.


33.  ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS — Exhibitor agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of the Venue and all additional rules and regulations of Show Management including, withoutlimitation, those contained in the Exhibitor Service Kit and any rules contained in Show Management’s lease with the Venue.






Any person who attends an SGIA organized convention, conference, seminar or other program grants permission to SGIA, its employees and agents (collectively "SGIA") to record his or her visual/audio images, including, but not limited to, photographs, digital images, voices, sound or video recordings, audio clips, or accompanying written descriptions, and, without notifying such person, to use his or her name and such images for any purpose of SGIA, including advertisements for SGIA, GOA and its programs.